Wednesday 11 June 2014

something you can do

MaKe ThEm SmIlE wHO lOsT ThAt CurVeS oN thEir fAcES,

BoOsT thEm Up WhO  GaVE Up To THe ChAsEs,

LiGhTeN ThE PaTh SomE mAy SoLvE THeir LiFE MaZes,

RiSe ThE HOpES AnD tRy To BriGhtEn EvErYonEs FAcES,



YoU ArE A fReE BiRd DesTinEd tO  FlY HiGh,

WiTh No WoRriEs No CrIeS,

StArt FeElInG ThAt YoU ArE AliVE,


No OnE BuT yOu,


WhAt EvErYonE DreAmS To,

So WhY u LoW,

LeT iT gO,

YoU ArE A cLaSS aPart,

BlEssEs FroM thE StArt,

So LET ThE WaRrIoR iN yOu FiNd YoU,

cOz ThERe ArE,

MANY THINGS THAT U CAN DO...............

Let It Go..........

Somewhere someplace at some moment,
You ill neva know,
But u ill hve to let it go.
Sometime someone is going to,
Leave you alone,
You ill have to let it go.
You ill hate these seasons fr no reason,
Dnt try to mke everythin even,
Time to tke decision,
Let it go. 
You hve been strong,
Waited so long,
When strong is not enough,
The Times are rough,
Let it go. 
When prblm is feelings,
And u find no meaning,
U feel like screaming,
Let it go.
When I prblm is SHE,
The solution is SHE,
Lock ur feelings and throw away the key,
Let it go let it go..............

Monday 9 June 2014


we all are proud Indian (Stop reading if u are not proud to be an INDIAN) but somewhere a question arises are we all RESPONSIBLE Indian? being a citizen its not about getting a birth certificate and enjoy the rights of the mother land it also comes with certain responsibilities and duties which is ones own duty to abide by them.We all talk about the western culture,fashion,development but have u ever wondered what made those countries developed? its each and every single RESPONSIBLE citizen who did his/her bit and made the country so high in status that now we dream about having a life like them..Its not only being responsible in one self  but also being responsible toward your country your mother land. So ever wondered what makes a person responsible citizen so its time to test yourself read the following questions carefully and answer to your self check yourself and evaluate yourself i hope this would be the best method of grading because i have made you your own judge.

  • You are an Indian when you ask fr a tissue and get a portion of newspaper to wipe Ur hands and mouth from the vendor BUT you are responsible if you search for a dustbin which can be anywhere kept in any kinda position in 1 km radius.
  • You are an Indian when you know people will not demand any written statement for the help they provided you they will trust you on Ur mere tongue BUT you are responsible if u kept Ur words and never took advantage of the person who trusted you.
  • You are an Indian when u know you can push full throttle and fly away across the busy streets without the fear of a policeman on your tail BUT you are responsible if you have the fear of hurting someone in back of Ur head and u know the ones waiting at home would NT be able bear a scar on Ur body.
  • You are an Indian where you can buy loyalty,trust,favor,justice with money BUT you are responsible when u know these things ill nt give happiness and ill bring with them a guilt which would be the reason of sleepless nights.
  • You are an Indian where teasing a girl is  cool and a custom BUT you are responsible if u know how to respect the female gender as they also have full right to live and  wear their choice of clothes.
  • You are an Indian if you shower a huge amount of money,water,milk etc in both happy and sad times on the holly Gods BUT you are responsible if u come to know that God does not want your money and stones dnt drink milk or eat sweets knowing tht u give some share of ur money to the needy and poor thts wat gods want.
  • You are an indian when u force ur opinion about career on young ones BUT you are responsible if u respect and listen to the young what he has to say what are his dreams and aspirations.

These are only few points if you pass in this test you are jst doing perfect job fr ur country and your self bt if u r nt passing then its a long life you still have ample time left to do your bit Enjoy life and be Responsible Indian.