Thursday 6 November 2014

Angel In Cage

After months warmth and Care SHE's born,
Shez a beauty one of a kind that's why it took so long,
Some take her as a reward and some as curse,
Her fate is decided be it better or worse .
Struggling,fighting and surviving against the odds,
Theres no one who is going to bell her thoughts.
Now shez growing,
Observing,learning and knowing,
Standing against remarks and limitations that people are throwing.
Whether she sits alone or in a group,
Some dogs want to rip her apart by hook or by crook.
Shez used to the staring looks.
In her teens she pretty as a princess charming as a queen.
She wants to explore and live her dreams,
There are some of opposite sex who takes her skin as cream.
For them she is an object nothing else,
No one Care how feels,
Laying in her bed she might silently weep.
Shez said to keep quiet and seal her body,
But this teasing wont stop it has become guy's hobby.
These people are educated,mature and clever,
They wont let her live even if shez escapes using a ladder.
But now she knows a few answers to their remarks and comments,
This will shut them down be it just for some moment.
Why people do this I ask my self ,
They are not now afraid one may say,
How far they can go I guess my eyes betray.
The country got independence 6 centuries ago,
When SHE is going to get independence no one know.
I hope she gets strong and fight,
These remarks and teases fuel her flight.
Lets fr a moment walk in her shoes,
We cant live a day like this its realy true.
she is now questioning and solving this maze,
its true u cant trap an angel in a cage.

Thursday 21 August 2014

No Limits No Restrictions thats how we like to LIVE we are The "Transformers"

Rules are boring because they are followed by conditions and limitations but "We" don't break rules "WE" Transform them. SO when did You actually Transformed  the rules? do you remember? We often forget what we ate in our last meal! thats a pretty small thing but we should know our Part in the society,our Aim,our Duty and our Responsibility towards it. I know what we have done that transformed not only the rules but it has changed the whole world. getting impatient? Let me remind you how we transformed the boring way of living,talking,sharing and communicating.

  • you just entered a new phase of life be it in a new college you got no one to call your own so from where exactly you gonna get a sneak peek about the people who are around you? or You feel something,visit a place,had a great day,captured the awesome moments that made you feel special  and you want your friends to know it what do u do ?  You "FACEBOOK" it.

  • You want to share some secrets,show love,make all mad plans and even form a community. you desperately want someone to listen to you at a moment when everything is either fantastic or going down or its just the most ordinary day. you no longer fall short of warm hearts and ears you reach for it and  "WHATSAPP" person or persons your heart feels to be connected with.

  • popular celebrities wants to be connected to you they know you pay them, you make their work famous and you only provide them with the high status in the society . they want to connect to you share what they think its only because of you they now "TWEET".
  • you got some skills with your camera but not got enough eyes to praise that genre you don't rush with ur art to random people you just Click an awesome picture be it a selfie,a group photo,a click from your creativity You brag about it to the world let like minded people see your masterpiece teach you and even learn from you what you do ? you "INSTAGRAM" it.

  • if something is causing chaos and doubt or a song whose name you don't remember, be it a news of the another conner of planet earth and even beyond it. you feel the thirst of knowing everything to satisfy your curiosity, to just get a little bit more smart and wise you "GOOGLE" it.

  • you have thrown the radio and now you don't even get  obsessed  to tune to a particular channel at a particular time on the television set and wait for your favorite series so that u don't miss want to see what goes on in the lecture halls of top most universities. you just pull out Your smart phone or just boot your laptop and "YOUTUBE" it.

  •  you need to learn about a place,an artist,a socialist or a person who has done something outstanding on this planet that is being recognized by all or you want to know about the history of your town the exact coordinates you no more open the geography or history books you just "WIKIPE" it.

  • the retail,wholesale showrooms appear so boring now . its raining cats and dogs,the hot sun is at 90 degrees! and you want to buy something for yourself or just a give a token of love to someone. you no longer wait for nature to show some mercy on you suddenly u connect yourself to the world of INTERNET and now there are stores like "FLIPKART" "MYNTRA" "JABONG"  thousands of them waiting eagerly to fill u up with more than u need.
 now think of many more such things that you have transformed i am sure you are now thinking smarter and way more wiser than me :).

 Sooooooooooo now you know who you are what part are you playing in this world you have transformed nouns to verbs . for a moment if you don't like who you are then Transform yourself.if you think this country or this world can be a better place then transform it yourself, you alone can do it because now you know who you are.

Friday 15 August 2014


"Freedom" think of this word for many of us the meaning of it is simply being free. Now Let us examine does this word "Freedom" actualy has a meaning in our life? Yes, it has a deep and significant meaning in our life. here comes yet another question how many of us are actualy enjoying "Freedom"? Its difficult to self judge  and impossible to be honest in this one.
Freedom is not a gift that one gets by birth u have to fight for it. the time of ur fight may differ according to the urge when u decide  to spread out your wings.

Today we celebrate our county's INDEPENDENCE DAY it would have been just an ordinary date on the calendar so what made this date so special? Why are we enjoying a national holiday? Why all of us are suddenly proud being citizen of this country? So many questions but the answer is one ,the motive is one and the feeling is one. So what is it?  it is that moment when a few people started raising questions they started to feel the urge to spread their wings to demand What is their right their right to freedom. This was not enough the fight was long we all know it. And they actualy won it and we are proud because of them. The one who wants something for himself might not sleep till he gets it but the one who wants something for whole of his loved ones with the feeling of selflessness he will sacrifice even his life to get what he wants not for himself alone but fr each and every human being who will be benefited by it.history books tells us that how we got our freedom many of you know it way better than me. But question is yet the same are you free? are we enjoying our freedom? lets see and judge ourselves

1. You are free if u dont feel shy in lending a helping hand to an old man who is doing his Labour so that he can buy some bread to eat.
2. You are free if u dont treat the opposite sex as a subject of fun and entertainment. are free if you have your own opinions,own choices and your own dreams. are free if u question what others say, you want to be heard you dont want to be a voice that fades away in the crowd. are free if you do what you think is right. You dont follow a group and no one domintes you. are free if you have the thirst for something,the feeling to chase your dreams,the feeling of being young. are free if you know your responsibilities not only for your self but for the coumtry as a whole. are free when you dont laugh over others weakness,their disabilities and On their helplessNess. are free if you are not bound to anyone you feel that sky is the limit. are free if and only if u want to be FREE.

If you actualy want to be free from now be free from-:
7.blind faith
9.narrow mind
10.the devil in you.

many other things tell other out loud u want freedom. Be free be proud


Tuesday 12 August 2014

That "one" girl

That one girl whom u saw,
U thought she is nice,
U wanted to be close at any price.
But life is not fair,
Closest u got was sitting beside her chair,
Your heart then said its done,
Then u saw another one.

That one girl whom u liked,
She was different from all,
As if u recieved the heavenly call.
You wanted to be more than friends,
Tied all the lose ends.
You expressed your feelings,
Queation was she willing.
Didnt she killed every hope?
Bt u didnt choke,
You said life has just begun,
Then u started liking another one.

That girl who loved you,
She was the one but u had no clue.
Wasn't the time with her amazing?
Bt u fealt she dint have any bling bling.
She sweared the oaths,
But finally  u drowned her boat.
Friends you said,
Wondered the life she led.
U had nothing to mourn,
Then u started loving the one u wntd to be ur own.

The girl whom you love,
U imagine as if u both are doves.
You lie fr her u stand for her,
U often go nuts at her.
You saw her grow beautiful,
Now shez going to fly everything cool?
She has her life shez questioning everything,
You find it surprising bt u cant stop her uprising.
Lets not say that u were wrong,
Bt u dont own her shez now strong.
Let her go for shez determined,
U Bid her goodbye even if ur world is whirling.
You love her thats the thing that will never change,
After her u never loved fr what u got in exchange.

Friday 8 August 2014


Ever since the begining of the modern era, the way people judge each other has changed considerably. Everyone has the same standard procedure for judging others - belonging!(Thanks to human nature)
If the person is in my ''friendlist'', i don't give a damn even if he/she's wrong. And we can do anything to prove him right.
This ''friendlist'' concept gives rise to a new term - REJECTION.
Being rejected by someone we like can break us into pieces from inside. And if we get rejected by someone we love, its seemingly the 'end of the world'. Rejections can also come socialy, courtesy the reality tv shows. The closer we get to the target and don't make it, the more it hurts.
These rejections are turning each one of us into a squirrel. The introvert, shy squirrel who always run away when somenone tries to come close. We are afraid that people around us may make fun of us, laugh at us or even feel disappointed due to our rejection. And you are very much right, they will!
And when it comes to personal life, once we get rejected by a particular person, we either cut-off with him/her or ignore them. And in some cases send objectionable messages just to stir them up and then cry your heart out to tell them you weren't in your senses when you send that message and that you didn't do it on purpose(actualy, you did so on purpose)

Well, the point here is, this ain't the right way. You need to be sensible and patient at the same time. Be patient, your time will come when you'll shut them all up with your work. And behave sensibly! Remember, only the one standing on the ground can see the sky, while those already up there always look down on others. Don't be some jerk who's self obssessed with what he's acheived. Keep growing.
Accept your rejection with dignity and MOVE ON! Let the other person realise what they've lost.

Saturday 2 August 2014

The ship that will allways sail "Friendship"

Hangouts,sleepovers,hangovers,P.J's,nightouts lots and lots more of this crazy stuff what gives meaning to it money? Yeah that might buy u fuel to go places,car? That might take u fast and safe anywhere,love?  it doeant even have a meaning, Friends? Why you too so long! they ill be with u even if u have empty pockets, are barefooted and have no idea what was reason of ur heart break. So friends are gonna add all those required ingredients so that others could jst smell the delicious mouthwatering flavours of trust,love and security. So where are u gonna buy friends hmmm interesting where did you found the existing ones? Wow now u know they are everywhere :p even in tht cornner where u were punished by teacher,on that last bench which was a whole different world,among those who u irritated u the most and some jst bumped into and might have said "have we met before" tht got too filmy I guess. For all these each one is unique its like having flowers in a garden everyone one has different needs bt they look beautiful and soothen the senses.
So were u careful while making friends? How cn u forget wat mom used to say "beware of bad guys". I bet u neva thought tht now if u neva did then its surprising tht all laws fail when it comes to friendship its jst u connect and everything else goes low. Old friends or New friends you will have friends in ur past, present and future.friends are nt jst for a company they are a pack of cards each one comes handy if u know how to win their hearts.oops we also have a day fr friendship :p tht too every first Sunday of August :D so u gonna thank them noooo thts nt what friends do u gonna  yell and I m still here in your life and aint goin nowhere.for all the fights,gossips,cloths,money,laughs,meals etc u share becomes a divine memory to store it u ill need to hard drive bt yeah your mind ill process a smile whenever u ill remember those moments :).feel the friendship it make all of us strong those of u fall short of it go ask a random stranger smile and ask her to b ur friend ur partner in crime ur buddy in bad time. Every cloud has a silver line it is often a hand of a friend tht often helps :) . Forget the love yeah give a lil time to the bond called friendship you ill know friendship is real love.
All the happy couples you all lovers out their I got more friends more love more support :) coz I have friends say it to ur self say it loud and welcome all on board coz friends cn sail a wrecking ship with the bond of friendship.

Friday 1 August 2014

Is That My Career

i want to be a painter,an actor,a dancer,a musician,a sportsman or may be someone whom i picture myself to be and doing what i love did anyone of us question our self? we got our own choices it includes food,movies,interests,accessories and many things that we think is apt for us but how many of us had an actual keen ears to listen to their heart's voice when they were going to chose a career.we eat what we like we do what gives us pleasure then why we don't covert our interests our passion into a career.lets for a moment stop living for others not even thinking about our parents lets ask "IS THAT MY CAREER".
Be brave say out loud that you have landed on a wrong runway because i know i am not alone.what actually went wrong? was there not enough fuel in our flight or was it hijacked by the thoughts and worries about Ur relatives who always tend to be foolish advisers.Their was nothing but one thing that made the difference it was our own confidence in the flight if we had the belief tht we could do what we like we could have coverted it into a life then we could hve landed in our kingdom of we think that the time has gone when we had the guts to work on our passion coz everything is messed up by the unwanted pressure of this new unexpected life.
You wish where are all good footballers,artists,musicians,athletes I know there is one in you who is suppressed by the society of pushing people in wrong direction overpowered you with their loser expirienced as we are stuck here what is to be done that might be most favourable in this messy situation. We all can think of only one word "COMPROMISE" in everything to survive.its no good in living a compromised life but its the easiest option available.if we be strong go with the vibes what our heart says there is a chance tht after some struggle a day will shine bright and you will stand SATISFIED not COMPROMISED.
Lets start to encourage others to follow their insticts lets not act foolish lets give them an opertunity to enjoy the life they want to lets make them free lets not question them lets for one time be a lil sensible.the time will change and there will be fewer ppl who ill doubt that "is this my career".partner up with thw situations lets think for we the most genius ones on this planet therea allways a qay out for everyone of us ill earn our lives out of what we love not what othera desire.
"live for yourself its the best way u can help others"

Wednesday 11 June 2014

something you can do

MaKe ThEm SmIlE wHO lOsT ThAt CurVeS oN thEir fAcES,

BoOsT thEm Up WhO  GaVE Up To THe ChAsEs,

LiGhTeN ThE PaTh SomE mAy SoLvE THeir LiFE MaZes,

RiSe ThE HOpES AnD tRy To BriGhtEn EvErYonEs FAcES,



YoU ArE A fReE BiRd DesTinEd tO  FlY HiGh,

WiTh No WoRriEs No CrIeS,

StArt FeElInG ThAt YoU ArE AliVE,


No OnE BuT yOu,


WhAt EvErYonE DreAmS To,

So WhY u LoW,

LeT iT gO,

YoU ArE A cLaSS aPart,

BlEssEs FroM thE StArt,

So LET ThE WaRrIoR iN yOu FiNd YoU,

cOz ThERe ArE,

MANY THINGS THAT U CAN DO...............

Let It Go..........

Somewhere someplace at some moment,
You ill neva know,
But u ill hve to let it go.
Sometime someone is going to,
Leave you alone,
You ill have to let it go.
You ill hate these seasons fr no reason,
Dnt try to mke everythin even,
Time to tke decision,
Let it go. 
You hve been strong,
Waited so long,
When strong is not enough,
The Times are rough,
Let it go. 
When prblm is feelings,
And u find no meaning,
U feel like screaming,
Let it go.
When I prblm is SHE,
The solution is SHE,
Lock ur feelings and throw away the key,
Let it go let it go..............

Monday 9 June 2014


we all are proud Indian (Stop reading if u are not proud to be an INDIAN) but somewhere a question arises are we all RESPONSIBLE Indian? being a citizen its not about getting a birth certificate and enjoy the rights of the mother land it also comes with certain responsibilities and duties which is ones own duty to abide by them.We all talk about the western culture,fashion,development but have u ever wondered what made those countries developed? its each and every single RESPONSIBLE citizen who did his/her bit and made the country so high in status that now we dream about having a life like them..Its not only being responsible in one self  but also being responsible toward your country your mother land. So ever wondered what makes a person responsible citizen so its time to test yourself read the following questions carefully and answer to your self check yourself and evaluate yourself i hope this would be the best method of grading because i have made you your own judge.

  • You are an Indian when you ask fr a tissue and get a portion of newspaper to wipe Ur hands and mouth from the vendor BUT you are responsible if you search for a dustbin which can be anywhere kept in any kinda position in 1 km radius.
  • You are an Indian when you know people will not demand any written statement for the help they provided you they will trust you on Ur mere tongue BUT you are responsible if u kept Ur words and never took advantage of the person who trusted you.
  • You are an Indian when u know you can push full throttle and fly away across the busy streets without the fear of a policeman on your tail BUT you are responsible if you have the fear of hurting someone in back of Ur head and u know the ones waiting at home would NT be able bear a scar on Ur body.
  • You are an Indian where you can buy loyalty,trust,favor,justice with money BUT you are responsible when u know these things ill nt give happiness and ill bring with them a guilt which would be the reason of sleepless nights.
  • You are an Indian where teasing a girl is  cool and a custom BUT you are responsible if u know how to respect the female gender as they also have full right to live and  wear their choice of clothes.
  • You are an Indian if you shower a huge amount of money,water,milk etc in both happy and sad times on the holly Gods BUT you are responsible if u come to know that God does not want your money and stones dnt drink milk or eat sweets knowing tht u give some share of ur money to the needy and poor thts wat gods want.
  • You are an indian when u force ur opinion about career on young ones BUT you are responsible if u respect and listen to the young what he has to say what are his dreams and aspirations.

These are only few points if you pass in this test you are jst doing perfect job fr ur country and your self bt if u r nt passing then its a long life you still have ample time left to do your bit Enjoy life and be Responsible Indian.